
DK Notebook Intranet

DK treats all employees as if they are part of a big family. So to make sure that everyone knows what the latest news is, and how to access tools that help ways of working, it’s vital. The original company intranet was built on google sites and became outdated very quickly. Ironically, it was in Google sites search function that provided the most pain for users as whenever trying to search for an article or a tool to use, or reference documents, they couldn’t be found when searching.

With Google sites turning down, DK invested in its people by creating its own intranet. I designed the user interface so that the content would take centre stage. A minimalist white design allowed articles to be easily seen, whilst a new improved search function allowed any type of content to be discovered. When testing the new designs versus the current site, there was a resounding positive response from the participants saying the site gave them greater access to the information they needed.

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DK Notebook Intranet
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